Contact Information
4451 Herrin Road, Carterville, IL 62918 | (618) 967-3302
Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm | Sunday 12pm-5pm
With over 50 vendor spaces, Rosebud Antique Mall offers high quality antiques and collectibles for all budgets.
Primitives, fine antique furniture, quilts, china and glassware, pottery, jewelry, toys, framed art, comics, stained glass, and many other unique items fill this clean and well-lit space.
Grab some canned pickles, jams, and other delicious items from this local favorite.
Grab your sweet or savory dips and snack mixes from this gourmet booth.
4451 Herrin Road, Carterville, IL 62918 | (618) 967-3302
Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm | Sunday 12pm-5pm
Just Whistle While You Shop – Customers can enjoy the music of the Beatles and other classics playing on the overhead all throughout the year.
Expansion – Discover more hidden gems inside the expanded area of Rosebud Antique Mall. Don’t forget to look for older rustic and larger unique pieces located all along the front of the building!
Treasure Trail – One road, 7 miles, three Christmas Open Houses! This two-day event includes food, drinks, and door prizes. Help support local business and find great gifts for your friends and loved ones.