SI Rejuvenation Center

Offering top-notch service to the people of Southern Illinois. Their team of consultants will educate and guide you throughout your journey and provide a customized plan tailored to your needs and goals from preventive care to rejuvenation.



Popular Services

This MedSpa offers a variety of laser-based skin rejuvenation, injectables (Botox/dermal fillers), and body contouring services.

Tattoo Removal

Outgrown your tattoo? SI Rejuvenation offers innovative laser technology making it possible to remove body ink faster and more effectively than ever before.

Feel More Like You

SI Rejuvenation provides a safe space for you to achieve the look you're striving for, i.e., custom hair restoration, gender affirmation treatments such as enhancing your jawline for a squarer facial shape, as well as fuller lips, rounder cheeks, and an overall smoother appearance.

Tips for SI Rejuvenation

Gift Cards – VIP Coupons make for the perfect gift for that special someone.

Still unsure? – This MedSpa is the only place in the Southern Illinois region with cutting-edge technology, proven equipment, and quality products that all merge to create an experience that cannot be replicated.  Schedule your FREE consultation with a specialist today!


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